Attributing the costs of health and social care Research and Development (AcorRD)

As a starting point we recommend working through a short module on Attributing the costs of health and social care Research and Development (AcoRD). It explores the way AcoRD guidance is applied to commercial and non-commercial research, the categories of research activities described in the AcoRD guidance, how the costs associated with these categories should be met, and special arrangements for charity funded research.

It explores the key principles through real life examples and scenario based questions.

Although it refers to arrangements in England the principles of AcoRD have been agreed across all UK countries. Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales each have an AcoRD policy and the module includes links to further information on them.

Your Local Clinical Research Network is a great place to find further support. LCRNs have AcoRD specialists who can help you tailor specific questions about costing grant applications. Some LCRNs also run workshops on AcoRD to help people who are new to this complex area.

Further information:

AcoRD e-learning module

National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) information on AcORD

Local Clinical Research Networks (LCRN)

CAHPR consultation response on supporting research in the NHS