Review of CAHPR

In 2020 CAHPR commissioned a team from Mid Yorkshire Hospitals Trust to conduct a strategic review of CAHPR.

The review of CAHPR examined our mission, objectives and ways of working.

The findings will inform our plans to give greater support to AHPs interested in research.

We are pleased to share the summary findings below.

The review came up with recommendations in eight areas:

  • Refresh and review strategic vision, articulating relevance and impact of AHP research to health service provision and public benefit
  • Plan activity based on CAHPR’s unique range of expertise to increase activity that utilises expertise from practice, academia and management
  • Adopt a wider remit around research and practice
  • Plan for better inclusion and diversity
  • Develop a communication strategy increasing visibility and awareness of CAHPR to target audiences
  • Review CAHPR structure specifically reach and coordination of regional activity
  • Increased working in partnership with others to achieve strategic aims and representation of AHPs in research and AHP research
  • Develop a blended funding model to ensure sustainability, cost effective delivery and sources of income.

Work is now underway to put the recommendations into practice over the coming year, starting with a refresh of CAHPR’s mission and a sustainable operating model.
