Self-directed learning: Back to basics
Curious about research but don’t know where to start?
Here we asked 7 questions:
- Why and how should I make a change to improve my practice?
- How can we use service evaluation approaches to measure the quality of our current practice?
- How can we use research approaches to measure the quality of our practice?
- What are the best ways to ensure service user, carer and stakeholder voices are heard in service evaluations and research?
- How should I collect project data?
- Why is it important that we share our research and service evaluation activities?
- How can I get support to undertake research activities and/or service improvement activities?
The sections in the download give some explanations about why the questions are asked and what you may learn from asking them. The links in the download provide resources that may be useful in considering answers to the questions.
This work was supported by Health Sciences University from Research England knowledge exchange funding for smaller and specialist institution.