Recordings from the AHP Research and Innovation Strategy 1 yr Celebration

To celebrate the 1-year anniversary of the AHP Research and Innovation Strategy. The CSP, in conjunction with NHS England and CAHPR hosted a hybrid celebration event sharing how the strategy has been implemented to date. The day involved sharing of innovations, expert discussions and an interactive audience of 423 AHP and research and innovation interested partners. This page allows you to view the video recordings of the day. Also check out our Resources Round up and Poster Gallery (located under the Research and Innovation tab) which cover key latest news, funding opportunities and AHP research and innovation work from the last year.

Session one covers how the the R and I Strategy is being embedded with a focus on national implementation and leadership. Highlights include Suzanne Rastrick OBE, Chief AHP Officer (England) [at 5mins 30secs] providing an introduction and overview and an interesting discussion with Professor Chris Nester (Keele University) about AHP research quality [13mins 2secs]. Do check out his Q and A session at [23 mins] which includes discussion about AHP clinical academics.

Session two goes on to celebrate AHP R and I achievements and initiatives. First up is Emily Griffin, Research Manager from the Stroke Association with a super exemplar of a Charity research award that can help build AHP research capacity. Vicki Johnson, (Leicester Diabetes Centre), talks about her award-winning research [8min 46secs]. Dr Jo Watson (NHS England) shares preliminary insights from the NIHR Academy Summit [14mins 35secs] and the session concludes with Kathryn Moyse and Katie Chadd (Royal College of Speech and Language Therapy) presenting and answering questions on the value of Real World Data in evidence based care [28mins 12 secs].

Session 3 focusses in on supporting R and I Strategy implementation in regional and organisational contexts. Dr Maria Av Quin discusses implementation at integrated Care Board/System level [2mins 19secs], Carrie Biddle (Health Education England) discusses how to develop a research-skilled workforce at a regional level [10mins 37secs], a suite of talks from CAHPR leaders [beginning at 21.05] cover the CAHPR National strategy (Prof Dawn Carnes), CAHPR Professoriate (Prof Kate Grafton), CAHPR Research Champions (Dr Rich Collings). The session concludes with the CAHPR FAIResearch project and Q and A focussed on equity, diversity and inclusion in AHP research [41 mins 47secs] (Dr Anita Atwal and Meera Sharma).

Session 4 covers initiatives and resources to develop leadership in AHP Research and Innovation. Dr Jo Watson (HEE) discusses Research Career frameworks [50secs] before a recorded talk from Robyn Cooke and Jou Yin Teoh about Council of Deans for Health Academic Fellowships. A run of presentations discuss research placements for students (Helen Batty, Jill Kent, Hannah Lane and Leesha Naisbitt) [18mins 30secs] before Dr Christina Malamateniou ( City University of London) concludes with a talk on mentorship [27mins 47secs].

Session 5 concludes the day with a plenary panel session providing an overview and reflection on the strategic gains made in the past 12 months chaired by Ruth ten Hove (CSP).